
Exam review

 Solid state physics, get well on theories but neglects on calculating problems, which is almost 50/50 in marks. It's hard to make it clear, and take the only path, theory this time. Not choose topic to prepare, it's how to plan preparing them all.


 Motivation leads to ways, then the way makes action, and things are then getting done.  Motivation may be small, hidden in plain sight. 


    It's easy to feel anxious, before a competition or an event. The fear of not having enough things to show, or to compete. Maybe getting enough preparation gets confidence, as there is nothing in the way holding you from getting things done properly.     Preparation is done every day. Daily life may be dull and lack apparent results, but the promising results come from heaping progress daily. "Every step counts", steps may look different at different times, but they sure help.

Hey sir, is everything alright?

 Lately, it was a struggle.            Things are getting better, but sometimes, too smooth can make one anxious. Anxious of not doing well, or doing too well. It's really just something , not to worry about.           Recall that when thoughts and action pairs up, like I can do what I wanted, and I've done everything I'd promised. It's an unordinary feeling, like nothing can stop me, or there is confidence to face any challenge. With only thoughts or action, it may be unbalanced. So, are you brave enough to give it all, to pursue your dreams? Although there might not be a single person, knows you, or even understanding what you are doing. It is like the fundamental, to stay independent.

Lately, all is well.

Pieces by piece, the noisy mind is clearer. Not much, but it has progressed. When small emotion is neglected, they will build up in silence. Until a critical point, they collapse.   Everyone is the same, we do similar things, and we struggle in daily life. What is the difference that made the path of someone so unique?   Am I suitable for those opportunity meet, or am I ready to accept them?   Studying in the class of a top school in Taiwan, not feeling that my contribution to life, or academics are hardly enough. Although the class is understandable, bad habits of laziness and playfulness are the tumor in life.   When you didn't correct the wrong path, one day you will be forced to, when at the worst scenario. There will be some burdens along but is still time to change.   Change now.


兩個人 · 排球 沒人打球的下午,自己練起了球技。  從籃球到排球,不是什麼大問題。 有天分就是不一樣啊啊 有點羨慕不來。。 嗯 很開心的認識了他們


有朋友的陪伴 自己的照顾 书本的交流 或许一辈子单身也不要紧 哈哈 想太多了呢 快快乐乐 简简单单 有问题 当场解决 有恩 当场报恩 拖拖拉拉 不知道会拖到几时哦 《2019最好的礼物》       ↠高速公路休息站↞